2024 National Film awards nomination - Best director of Animation and the best Animation for the animation film cycle “Wardrobe of Wonders”, Best artists of Anmation
The film Everything You’re Not Allowed to Do is the fourth movie in the animated series Wonder Closet.
In an ordinary house, in an ordinary apartment, there is a perfectly ordinary kitchen. In it stands the Wonder Closet, filled with extraordinary jars and incredible treats that little hands can’t resist reaching for. But they’re hard to reach. Jars topple, treats spill onto the table, and those little hands start doing what they’re not supposed to! And that’s when the magical transformation of everyday things begins.
Filma “Viss, ko nedrīks” ir aimācijas cikla Brīnumskapis ceturtā filma. Kādā pavisam parastā mājā, kādā pavisam parastā dzīvoklī atrodas pavisam parasta virtuve. Tajā ir Brīnumskapis ar neparastām burciņām un neticamiem gardumiem pēc kuriem stieptin stiepjas mazas rokas. Tomēr tos aizsniegt ir grūti. Burciņas gāžas, gardumi izbirst uz galda un mazās rockas sāk darīt to, ko nedrīkst! Un te notiek brīnumainas ikdienišķu lietu pārvērtības.
Režija un scenārijs: Krista Burāne
Mākslinieces: Kristīne Jurjāne un Anna Zača
Animators un kompozīcija: Ģirts Korps
Dzeja: Māra Zālīte
Mūzika: A. Voitišķis
Producē: VFS studija, Paula Jansone, Uldis Cekulis
Atbalstīja: NKC, TET
2024 National Film awards nomination - Best director of Animation and the best Animation for the animation film cycle “Wardrobe of Wonders”, Best artists of Anmation
The Door Wizard is the third film in the animated series Wonder Closet.
In an ordinary house, in an ordinary apartment, there is a room where mom and dad are not allowed to enter. In that room lives the little Door Wizard, who has the ability to turn the human-made world into the world of nature through play. However, sometimes playing can become dangerous, and that’s when mom and dad must embark on a rescue mission.
Kādā pavisam parastā mājā, kādā pavisam parastā dzīvoklī ir istaba, kurā mamma un tētis nedrīkst ienākt. Tajā dzīvo mazais Durvju Burvis, kuram piemīt spējas spēlēties un cilvēku radīto pasauli pārvērst dabas pasaulē. Tomēr reizēm spēlēšanās var kļūt bīstama un tad mammai ar tēti ir jādodas glābšanas misijā.
Režija un scenārijs - Krista Burāne
Mākslinieki - Edmunds Jansons, Kristīne Jurjāne
Dzeja: P. Brūveris
Mūzika: A. Voitišķis
Producēja: VFS, Paula Jansone. Uldis Cekulis
Atbalstīja: NKC, TET
Divi bērni spēlē paslēpes, atver Brīnumskapja durvis un nonāk pārsteigumu pilnā mežā, kurā dzīvo reāli un iztēles radīti tēli. Arī tie slēpjas un meklē viens otru visa gada garumā. Šis ir stāsts par pasaules robežu paplašināšanos un jaunu pasauļu atklāšanas prieku.
Filma nominēta Lielā Kristapa balvai kā labākā animācijas filma un par labāko režiju.
Filmu var noskatīties šeit: https://tet.plus/media/1661152280796
Two children are playing hide-and-seek, they open the doors of the Magic Wardrobe and find themselves in a forest full of surprises, where real and imaginary characters live. They too hide and seek each other throughout the year. This is a story about expanding the boundaries of the world and the joy of discovering new realms.
The film is nominated for the Lielais Kristaps Award for Best Animated Film and Best Direction.
Režisore / Director: Krista Burāne
Scenārija autore / script: Krista Burāne
Operators / DOP: Valdis Celmiņš
Mākslinieki / Artists: Kristīne Jurjāne, Anete Melece, Anna Zača, Edmunds Jansons un Toms Burāns
Animatori /Animators : Līva Piterāne, Kristīne Zvirbule, Mārtiņš Dūmiņš, kompozīcija - Georgs Āva
Komponists / Composer: Aigars Voitišķis
Skaņu režisors: Artis Dukaļskis
Montāžas režisore: Krista Burāne
Producents: Uldis Cekulis
Studija: VFS Films
Domāt skola / Think School from ELM MEDIA on Vimeo.
Third grade pupils of the Cēsis New Primary School spend two months planning and carrying out the afternoon that marks the end of the school year. Teachers are only here to help, trusting the children's wisdom, responsibility and their ability to make their own decisions and carry them out. Preparing for the celebration stretches across all school disciplines, turning the school grounds into a place of exciting discovery lived fully through joy and hardship alike.
Film is the part of Latvian Public television selection "Code od Latvia 2015"
Premier 3. 10. 2015
Script, directing, editing - Krista Burane
Cameraman - Dainis Juraga
Sound - Aigars Endzelis, Verners Biters, Mārtiņš Rozentāls, Anete Vanaga
Sound director - Artis Dukaļskis
Music - Edgars Šubrovskis
Animation - Toms Burāns
Mastering - Krišs Roziņš
Producers - Līna Bērziņa, Ieva Goba
ELM Media, Latvijas televīzija, Nacionālais Kino centrs, Valsts Kultūrkapitāla fonds
Full film with ENG subtitles
2014 nomination for national award "Big Cristopher" in the filmmaking as the Best documentary film, Best director, award for The Best music.
2014 nomination for award « 1 kg of Culture » in the position « Best film »
This creative documentary tells the story of women in art – what she has to sacrifice in her personal life and what choices have to be made in order to gain success in her career. The film explores life of artist, by following theatre director’s Mara Kimele's fighting relationships with her despotic grandmother Anna Lacis (widely known as Asya, whose life is closely tied to the names of Walter Benjamin and Bertolt Brech), cynical son Peteris (who is played by an actor) and work while she stages F. Dostoevsky's “Crime and Punishment”. Every character of film is an act. But does that make them any less real? And what is real in the world of art? Apart from its human character's, the film also has an animated one – the horse, who came into life through the first letter Mara wrote to her grand mother and has been following her ever since.
Running time - 1h 19min
Full cast
All the characters in this documentary are acting - some play many roles, some only themselves.
Māra Ķimele – Māra Ķimele
Pēteris Ķimelis (her son) - Toms Auniņš
Set designers - Ilmars Blumbergs, Andris Freibergs, Aija Zarina, Viktors Jansons
Actors – Andris Keišs, Guna Zariņa, Jana Čivžele, Varis Pinķis, Edgars Samītis
Director Krista Burane
Producers Martins Eihe, Krista Burane, Amanda Boka
Screenwriter Krista Burane
Editor Krista Burane
Director of photography Valdis Celmiņš
Production designer Anete Melece
Mucic composer Jēkabs Nīmanis
Sound Artis Dukaļskis
Animation Anete Melece, Toms Burāns
Filmas FB lapa šeit
Four young peoples. Four political parties! Four futures?
I met them in September 2010, Latvian parliament pre-election time. Four contemporaries of the second independence of Latvia from four different political forcies, wishing to dedicate their lives to politics and work for their country. Then came election day and the life afterwards. They allowed me to observe it.
Film about contemporary values of sociaty in Latvia, young politicians, election of historycaly significant parliament Nr. 10 which works only some months and after so caled "oligarh scandal" was dissolved by president of Latvia Valdis Zatlers.
Initial release: September 12, 2011 (Riga)
What does the question "to be or not to be?" mean to a person? Does the answer include only the biological difference between life and death or do these states interact and are both a part of life? How do you overcome non-existence, how do you achieve the consciousness of your existence and fulfilment? How to escape the emptiness of life? How to make life fulfilling? The protagonist of this film is the 86-year-old director Olgerts Kroders, who commenced staging his fourth production of Shakespeare's "Hamlet" in Valmieras Drama Theatre. The theatre is more than merely his occupation, he not only works there but also lives and spends all of his time in it. The film depicts his routine, and the rehearsal process up until the premiere and provokes a dialogue about theatre, freedom and solitude using four actors, who have all been Hamlet in the different productions of the play.2009 nomination for national award in the filmmaking "Big Cristopher" as the Best documentary film, Best debut and The best work in culture 2009
You can see film with eng subtitles here https://www.filmas.lv/movie/2976/
Directors: Krista Burāne, Mārtiņš Eihe
Producer: Mārtiņš Eihe
Script: Krista Burāne
Director of photography: Inese Apse
Editor: Krista Burāne
Music: Emīls Zilvers
Sound director: Egons Kronbergs
Year: 2009
IN MEMORIUM based of materials not included in film
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