Manai mammai nav bail / My Mommy Isn’t Afraid (2024)

2024 National Film awards nomination - Best director of Animation and the best Animation for the animation film cycle “Wardrobe of Wonders”, Best artists of Anmation 

My Mom’s Not Afraid is the fifth film in the animated series Wonder Closet.

In an ordinary house, in an ordinary apartment, lives a supermom who can do everything and is afraid of nothing! In the mornings, she heroically catches the children’s tights slithering away like snakes, cleans out old mushrooms growing in ears, finds a shoe—now a mouse ship—stuck under the bathtub, and prepares a magical breakfast table. Later, she leads work meetings with crocodiles, ghosts, and the undead, all while battling dragons. But there is one thing she’s afraid of—thunder and lightning. That’s when a little superhero comes to the rescue, and all her fears vanish.

"Manai mammai nav bail" ir piektā animācijas cikla "Brīnumskapis" filma. Kādā pavisam parastā mājā, kādā pavisam parastā dzīvoklī dzīvo supermamma, kura spēj visu un, kurai nav bail ne no kā! Rītos viņa varonīgi ķert kā čūskas prom slīdošās bērnu zeķubikses, iztīra no ausīm augošās vecās sēnes, sameklēt zem vannas aizkritušo kurpi - peļu kuģi un uzklāj brīnumbrokastu galdu. Vēlāk vada darba sapulci ar krokodiliem, rēgiem, miroņiem un cīnās ar pūķiem. Tikai no pērkona un zibens viņai ir bail. Bet tad palīgā nāk kāds mazs supervaronis un visas bailes pagaist. 

Ideja un režija: Krista Burāne

Scenārijs: Krista Burāne un Anete Melece

Mākslinieces: Anete Melece un Kristīne Jurjāne

Animatore un kompozīcija: Diāna Mikanova

Dzejas autre: Ieva Samauska

Mūzika: A. Voitišķis

Producēja: VFS, Paula Jansone. Uldis Cekulis

Atbalstīja: NKC, TET

Viss, ko nedrīkst /Everything You’re Not Allowed to Do (2024)

2024 National Film awards nomination - Best director of Animation and the best Animation for the animation film cycle “Wardrobe of Wonders”, Best artists of Anmation 

The film Everything You’re Not Allowed to Do is the fourth movie in the animated series Wonder Closet.

In an ordinary house, in an ordinary apartment, there is a perfectly ordinary kitchen. In it stands the Wonder Closet, filled with extraordinary jars and incredible treats that little hands can’t resist reaching for. But they’re hard to reach. Jars topple, treats spill onto the table, and those little hands start doing what they’re not supposed to! And that’s when the magical transformation of everyday things begins.

Filma “Viss, ko nedrīks” ir aimācijas cikla Brīnumskapis ceturtā filma. Kādā pavisam parastā mājā, kādā pavisam parastā dzīvoklī atrodas pavisam parasta virtuve. Tajā ir Brīnumskapis ar neparastām burciņām un neticamiem gardumiem pēc kuriem stieptin stiepjas mazas rokas. Tomēr tos aizsniegt ir grūti. Burciņas gāžas, gardumi izbirst uz galda un mazās rockas sāk darīt to, ko nedrīkst! Un te notiek brīnumainas ikdienišķu lietu pārvērtības. 

Režija un scenārijs: Krista Burāne

Mākslinieces: Kristīne Jurjāne un Anna Zača

Animators un kompozīcija: Ģirts Korps

Dzeja: Māra Zālīte

Mūzika: A. Voitišķis

Producē: VFS studija, Paula Jansone, Uldis Cekulis

Atbalstīja: NKC, TET

Durvju burvis / The Door Wizard (2024)

2024 National Film awards nomination - Best director of Animation and the best Animation for the animation film cycle “Wardrobe of Wonders”, Best artists of Anmation 

The Door Wizard is the third film in the animated series Wonder Closet.

In an ordinary house, in an ordinary apartment, there is a room where mom and dad are not allowed to enter. In that room lives the little Door Wizard, who has the ability to turn the human-made world into the world of nature through play. However, sometimes playing can become dangerous, and that’s when mom and dad must embark on a rescue mission.

Kādā pavisam parastā mājā, kādā pavisam parastā dzīvoklī ir istaba, kurā mamma un tētis nedrīkst ienākt. Tajā dzīvo mazais Durvju Burvis, kuram piemīt spējas spēlēties un  cilvēku radīto pasauli pārvērst dabas pasaulē. Tomēr reizēm spēlēšanās var kļūt bīstama un tad mammai ar tēti ir jādodas glābšanas misijā. 

Režija un scenārijs - Krista Burāne

Mākslinieki - Edmunds Jansons, Kristīne Jurjāne

Dzeja: P. Brūveris

Mūzika: A. Voitišķis

Producēja: VFS, Paula Jansone. Uldis Cekulis

Atbalstīja: NKC, TET

Dzīves tango / Tango of Life (2024)

2024 National Film award nomination - Best Documentary  Director  and Best Composer

Latvian Priemer - Riga International Film Festival, 2024

Claudio knows that one day he will be in a wheelchair, and what still keeps him  on his feet and working his fields is tango. His Parkinson’s is progressing slowly  but inexorably. Time is short. He had promised his beloved wife Ivana that one  day they would tango together in Buenos Aires before it’s too late. Claudio and  Ivana’s story inspired the renowned Latvian composer Arturs Maskats to write a  new work in collaboration with world-famous accordionist Ksenija Sidorova. The  illness and the dream of Argentina alternate in a crescendo of fear and hope, with  the accompaniment of music and composers creation.

Director Erica Liffredo

Co- directorA Krista Burāne

Script Erica Liffredo, Krista Burāne

DOP Paolo Ferrari, Valdis Celmiņš

Editing Ilaria de Laurentiis

Sound Giovanni Corona, Arvīds Ceļmalis, Anrijs Ceļmalis

 Producer Raffaele Brunetti

 Co-Producer Uldis Cekulis


Dziesma par brīnumskapi / The Song about Magic Wardrobe (2022)

Divi bērni spēlē paslēpes, atver Brīnumskapja durvis un nonāk pārsteigumu pilnā mežā, kurā dzīvo reāli un iztēles radīti tēli. Arī tie slēpjas un meklē viens otru visa gada garumā. Šis ir stāsts par pasaules robežu paplašināšanos un jaunu pasauļu atklāšanas prieku.

Filma nominēta Lielā Kristapa balvai kā labākā animācijas filma un par labāko režiju. 

Filmu var noskatīties šeit:

Two children are playing hide-and-seek, they open the doors of the Magic Wardrobe and find themselves in a forest full of surprises, where real and imaginary characters live. They too hide and seek each other throughout the year. This is a story about expanding the boundaries of the world and the joy of discovering new realms.

The film is nominated for the Lielais Kristaps Award for Best Animated Film and Best Direction.

Režisore / Director: Krista Burāne

Scenārija autore / script: Krista Burāne

Operators / DOP: Valdis Celmiņš

Mākslinieki / Artists: Kristīne Jurjāne, Anete Melece, Anna Zača, Edmunds Jansons un Toms Burāns
Animatori /Animators : Līva Piterāne, Kristīne Zvirbule, Mārtiņš Dūmiņš, kompozīcija - Georgs Āva

Komponists / Composer: Aigars Voitišķis

Skaņu režisors: Artis Dukaļskis

Montāžas režisore: Krista Burāne

Producents: Uldis Cekulis

Studija: VFS Films

Māsiņas puteklītes / Dust Fairies (2020)

The second film from the animation cycle "Wardrobe of Wonder" Dust Fairies, 
Priemer 2020
National Film award nomination for the best animation artists 

In a completely typical building, in a typical apartment, in a completely typical kid's room there stands a not at all typical wardrobe. Behind its doors, behind the dresses and blouses, the shirts and trousers that obediantly live on the hangers, lives a secret darkness of the imagination from which some interesting characters appear and begin to live in the children's room. You need only knock and see how the dust fairies start to play with others in the room - even starting to play the piano! This is a carefree story about the construct of the world and that which appears up! and down!

A musical-educational animated shorts series 'Brinumskapis' - 'Wardrobe of Wonder' for pre-school and primary school children.
Script, diricting: Krista Burāne
Artists Kristīne Jurjāne, Toms Burāns
Music: Aigars Voitišķis
Poem: Pēteris Brūveris
Producer: Uldis Cekulis

Oligarhu dziesmu svētki. 2018. Latvijas hronika Nr.05

Film is available here:

Small group af artists decides to make a protest action against the oligarhs of Latvia and peoples apathy and indiference about them. Durings the main event of the Latvia centenary celebration - Song and dance festival. 


2018. gada jūnijā apritēja gads kopš žurnālā “Ir” tika publiskotas Oligarhu sarunas, kuras skaidri un nepārprotami norādīja uz valsts nozagšanas procesiem un sauca vārdā tos politiķus, kuriem mēs - Latvijas tauta jau kuro Saeimu pēc kārtas esam devuši iespēju mazināt mūsu valsts demokrātiju, tiesiskumu un taisnīgumu. 

2018. gada jūlijā svinējām arī gadskārtu kopš Latvijas Saeima izveidoja, pēc būtības darboties nespējīgu, parlamentārās izmeklēšanas komisiju par valsts nozagšanas pazīmēm un pirmstiesas izmeklēšanas kvalitāti tā dēvētajā oligarhu lietā. Neviens no sarunās iesaistītajiem un pie varas esošajiem politiķiem atbildību neuzņēmās. Tā no viņiem arī netika pieprasīta un viņi droši kandidēja uz 13. Saeimu.
Lai šogad, pirms Latvijai tik svarīgajām jaunās Saeimas vēlēšanām, cilvēkiem atgādinātu gadu vecos notikumus, mēs kā maza mākslinieku grupa nolēmām rīkot politisku mākslas akciju. Par tās norises vietu un brīdi izvēloties Dziesmu svētkus, kas visos laikos ir bijis notikums, kurā atklājas Latvijas nācijas valstiskā apziņa un vērtības.

Script, director, editor - Krista Burāne

Cinematographer - Valdis Celmiņš

Sound - Artis Dukaļskis

Tu atvēri mani ar nazīti / You opened me by a knife (2018)

Music video for the band Instrumenti, Album: Atkala, 2017, Premiere, May 2018

Selected for the Riga International Film festival Baltic music videos competion programm 2018. 

The Onion already appears in the band’s previous video. Now, he shows what it’s like to try to leave a separation that has not healed yet. What it’s like to wish to leave and go far, far away – from one’s self. By train if one must. But what can one do if it’s not possible to leave or forget?

Music: Reinis Sējāns, Jānis Šipkēvics
Liric: Jānis Šipkēvics

Script, directing, editing: Krista Burāne
Artist of Animation: Toms Burāns
Cinematographer: Jānis Šēnbergs
Makeup artist: Līva Drešere
Lightenig artist: Jānis Kukulis
Sound director: Gatis Zaķis
Coluring and mastering: Toms Burāns
Producers: Agne Skane (VFS Films), Krista Burāne

Cast: Jānis Šipkēvics, Reinis Sējāns, Gatis Zaķis

Turpinājums / To be continued (2018)

To Be Continued trailer from Mistrus Media on Vimeo.

Documentary "To Be Continued" by Ivars Seleckis.

International Premiere 15.04.2018, Visions du Réel (Switzerland)

The Oscars: Latvia Selects “To Be Continued” as an Entry for Best Foreign Language Film

Shot over a period of two years, the film follows five children from different parts of Latvia who started school in 2015. Kārlis's family is firmly rooted in the Latvian countryside. Gleb's grandparents came to Latvia only in the Soviet period. Zane's family are first-generation urban-dwellers. Anastasija's family moved from the city to the countryside. Anete's mum lives and works in England. The film explores how these choices made by adults are reflected in a child's thinking.

Production company Mistrus Media
Director Ivars Seleckis
Research Dace Dzenovska
Cinematographer Valdis Celmiņš
Composer Kārlis Auzāns
Sound Ernests Ansons
Editor Andra Doršs
Script and editing consultant Krista Burāne
Associated producer Inese Boka-Grūbe 
Producers Antra Gaile, Gints Grūbe

Length: 97 min
Year: 2018
National Premiere 22.03.2018, Riga, Splendid Palace


Pasaka par tukšo telpu / The Fairytale of Emty Space (2017)



Priemer in the  in Riga IFF FEATURE FILM COMPETITION, 2017


National film award 2017 nomiantions for the Best documenatry, Best scriptwriter, Best editor. 

Selected for the competionon progrmm at Tauner art film festival, 2018

The cinematic series about three significant figures in Latvian theatre – directors Oļģerts Kroders (“The Fifth Hamlet” (2007), Māra Ķimele (“Mara” (2014), and the newest about Andris Freibergs – all investigate how loneliness, love and death weave the films’ heroes’ lives and art together as if it would be a tight braid. In the “Fairytale” the accomplished European stage designer and educator paints a self-portrait by shaping the stage for an imaginary production titled Andris Freibergs. He transforms himself into a space that contains close to eighty years worth of stunning success, tragic loss, birth and death. It is an attempt to create the perfect empty space – one that would simultaneously encompass everything and nothing, the beginning and the end. The film is produced by the Riga-based VFS FILMS.

“I think that the theatre is the final humane space where people can still learn not to be afraid of each other, trust, share, give, be genuine. The outwardly demure but extremely emotionally sensitive Andris Freibergs is the creator of many of the faces and forms of this last humane space. It is the revealing of humanity and the work of revealing which really attracts me, especially because Andris Freibergs manages it without words. How do you say what is important without telling it? The stage designer builds a space where everything has a meaning, and their relationships create new meaning. My task was to create a film somewhat analog to this space, where details lose their everyday meaning,” says the director Krista Burāne.

Director, Scrpitwriter, Editor: Krista Burāne

Art director: Toms Burāns

Doll designer: Mārtiņš Rozenfelds

Original music: Reinis Sējāns

Producer: Uldis Cekulis

Domātskola /Think School (2015)

Domāt skola / Think School from ELM MEDIA on Vimeo.

Third grade pupils of the Cēsis New Primary School spend two months planning and carrying out the afternoon that marks the end of the school year. Teachers are only here to help, trusting the children's wisdom, responsibility and their ability to make their own decisions and carry them out. Preparing for the celebration stretches across all school disciplines, turning the school grounds into a place of exciting discovery lived fully through joy and hardship alike.

Film is the part of Latvian Public television selection "Code od Latvia 2015"

Premier 3. 10. 2015 

Script, directing, editing - Krista Burane

Cameraman - Dainis Juraga

Sound - Aigars Endzelis, Verners Biters, Mārtiņš Rozentāls, Anete Vanaga

Sound director - Artis Dukaļskis

Music - Edgars Šubrovskis

Animation - Toms Burāns

Mastering - Krišs Roziņš

Producers - Līna Bērziņa, Ieva Goba

ELM Media,  Latvijas televīzija, Nacionālais Kino centrs, Valsts Kultūrkapitāla fonds

Full film with ENG subtitles

Māra (2014)

Māra from Nomadi on Vimeo.

2014  nomination for national award "Big Cristopher" in the filmmaking as the Best documentary film, Best director, award for The Best music.

2014 nomination for award « 1 kg of Culture »  in the position « Best film »

 This creative documentary tells the story of women in art – what she has to sacrifice in her personal life and what choices have to be made in order to gain success in her career.  The film explores life of artist, by following theatre director’s Mara Kimele's fighting relationships with her despotic grandmother Anna Lacis (widely known as Asya, whose life is closely tied to the names of Walter Benjamin and Bertolt Brech), cynical son Peteris (who is played by an actor) and work while she stages  F. Dostoevsky's “Crime and Punishment”. Every character of film is an act. But does that make them any less real? And what is real in the world of art? Apart from its human character's, the film also has an animated one – the horse, who came into life through the first letter Mara wrote to her grand mother and has been following her ever since.

Running time - 1h 19min

Full cast 
All the characters in this documentary are acting - some play many roles, some only themselves.
Māra Ķimele – Māra Ķimele
Pēteris Ķimelis (her son) - Toms Auniņš 
Set designers - Ilmars Blumbergs, Andris Freibergs, Aija Zarina, Viktors Jansons
Actors – Andris Keišs, Guna Zariņa, Jana Čivžele, Varis Pinķis, Edgars Samītis

Director Krista Burane
Producers Martins Eihe, Krista Burane, Amanda Boka
Screenwriter Krista Burane
Editor Krista Burane
Director of photography Valdis Celmiņš
Production designer Anete Melece
Mucic composer Jēkabs Nīmanis
Sound Artis Dukaļskis
Animation Anete Melece, Toms Burāns

Filmas FB lapa šeit

Nākotne ir pagātnes tagadne / The future is the present of the past (2011)

Four young peoples. Four political parties! Four futures?

I met them in September 2010, Latvian parliament pre-election time. Four contemporaries of the second independence of Latvia from four different political forcies, wishing to dedicate their lives to politics and work for their country. Then came election day and the life afterwards. They allowed me to observe it.

Film about contemporary values of sociaty in Latvia, young politicians,  election of historycaly significant parliament  Nr. 10 which works only some months and after so caled "oligarh scandal" was dissolved by president of Latvia Valdis Zatlers.

  Initial releaseSeptember 12, 2011 (Riga)

  1. Running time1h 16m
  2. GenreDocumentary

Piektais Hamlets / The Fifth Hamlet (2009)

What does the question "to be or not to be?" mean to a person? Does the answer include only the biological difference between life and death or do these states interact and are both a part of life? How do you overcome non-existence, how do you achieve the consciousness of your existence and fulfilment? How to escape the emptiness of life? How to make life fulfilling? The protagonist of this film is the 86-year-old director Olgerts Kroders, who commenced staging his fourth production of Shakespeare's "Hamlet" in Valmieras Drama Theatre. The theatre is more than merely his occupation, he not only works there but also lives and spends all of his time in it. The film depicts his routine, and the rehearsal process up until the premiere and provokes a dialogue about theatre, freedom and solitude using four actors, who have all been Hamlet in the different productions of the play.2009  nomination for national award in the filmmaking "Big Cristopher" as the Best documentary film, Best debut and The best work in culture 2009 

You can see film with eng subtitles  here

Directors: Krista Burāne, Mārtiņš Eihe
Producer: Mārtiņš Eihe
Script: Krista Burāne
Director of photography: Inese Apse
Editor: Krista Burāne
Music: Emīls Zilvers
Sound director: Egons Kronbergs
Year: 2009

IN MEMORIUM based of materials not included in film


Bēgums / Tide (2009)

National award Lielais Kristaps 2009 "The best Documentary".

Filmu latviski var noskatīties šeit

2007.gadā no Rīgas uz Dublinu aizlidoja ap 300 000 pasažieru. Valdis un viņa gliemežotāji ir maza daļiņa no daudzajiem Latvijas cilvēkiem, kuru laiks ar starpstāvokļa zīmi tiks ierakstīts Latvijas vēsturē tāpat kā Padomju vai Ulmaņlaiki. Tāpat, kā iepriekšējiem laikiem, arī šim Īrijas laikam ir sava burvība un neatkārtojamība. Tāpat kā tad, arī tagad paliks rētas latviešu dzimtas kokos. Gliemežotāju režīmu nosaka bēgums. Kad jūra atkāpjas, viņi lasa, bet kad uzbango - guļ. Īru jūra ir četras reizes sāļāka par Bartijas jūru. Arī dzīve te bieži vien ir sāļāka nekā mājās. Nervu gali vaļā ir visiem. Kādam kailāki, kādam jau apsūbējuši no sāļā ūdens.

AKAJAVA (Ireland)
dokumentālā filma
16:9, HDV
Pirmizrādes vieta:
k/t Rīga
Finansiālais atbalsts:
Scenārija autors:
Mūzikas autors:
Skaņu režisors:
Montāžas režisors:

I am an artist who works in different fields of culture (theatre, documentary film, photography), but always the main question for me is cooperation with audience and making the space and time for conversation with spectators. I believe in art works, which are events in the people’s life, which create new experiences, wake up senses and provoke for thinking about our lifetime. Shortly – if artwork does not make deep and honest interest about life and humanity, it’s not interesting for me.

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