"The Dreamers" won the B/W pictures contest "Latvian photography award" 2007
Photos were taken in the Cairo 13.05 - 15.05. 2016 while I was attending D-CAF (Downtown Contemporary art festival) as an Urban Heat artist. The Urban Heat programme focus on the life of city and I was extremely touched by the open life of Cairo's craftsman.
But while watching these small stages, please take in your mind that there are men with guns on the every backstage.
I am an artist who works in different fields of culture (theatre, documentary film, photography), but always the main question for me is cooperation with audience and making the space and time for conversation with spectators. I believe in art works, which are events in the people’s life, which create new experiences, wake up senses and provoke for thinking about our lifetime. Shortly – if artwork does not make deep and honest interest about life and humanity, it’s not interesting for me.
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